Passive income ideas to earn extra cash

Passive income can help generate extra cash flow whether you’re saving toward a big goal, such as a vacation, or just want to put a little extra into your savings account. Regardless of how you intend to use the money, having extra income may offer you more financial security. 

Not sure where to start? Keep reading to learn about a few passive income ideas and see whether one of them may work for you.

Key takeaways

  • Passive income is a revenue stream that typically requires less time and effort than a full-time job does.
  • Passive doesn’t mean easy. Ideas might still require money to start and effort to maintain.
  • Renting property, finding online income and selling goods are just a few possibilities.

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What is passive income and how does it work?

Many people think of passive income as money earned with minimal time and effort. But this is not always the case. It might help to think about passive income as an activity that provides extra income but requires less time and effort than a typical full-time job does.

Passive income ideas

If you’re interested in earning money via a passive income stream, see whether any of these methods might apply or appeal to you:

Rental property

Managing a rental property, either for long- or short-term rentals, may be a common way to generate income, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. There are also things such as maintenance costs and property taxes to think about. But if you’re able to use property you own as either a long-term or vacation rental, it might be worth it to you.

Online income

The internet is a place of endless information. And when it comes to income, endless opportunities. Here are just a few ways you might be able to turn your entrepreneurial spirit, special skills or social media following into income:

  1. Affiliate marketing: Ever purchased something online from a link you saw from a social media influencer? People with large social media followings are able to turn clicks into cash using affiliate marketing.
  2. Show and tell: Have a special skill, talent or expertise? Even the most ordinary things might generate a following. There are plenty of examples of “regular people” turning their passions into profits through social media, blogs and online courses, ebooks, and beyond.

Online and offline sales

Who doesn’t love a good thrift discovery, whether it’s vintage pieces, knick-knacks or home goods? Consignment stores, garage sales and online marketplaces offer equal opportunities to find and flip items—or share crafts and goods made from scratch.

Passive income ideas in a nutshell

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to passive income. And just because it might be considered passive, that doesn’t mean it won’t require work. It’s not called a side hustle for nothing. 

If you’re able to earn extra money on the side, it might help to consider a few tips to help you manage your money or how to use your cash to save and pay down debt.

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