Supporting Efforts to Help India Through a Donation Match

Capital One is meeting the moment as COVID-19 surges in India

There’s no other way to put it: conditions in India are dire right now. As COVID-19 surges in India, a country where the number of new cases break record levels every day, hospitals are turning away sick people and running out of beds and oxygen. In one recent day alone, India added a record of more than 400,000 new cases. The devastating news comes as the United States and countries with higher COVID-19 vaccination rates are beginning to lift social distancing and mask-wearing restrictions.

Many of us at Capital One see the split juxtaposition unfold and understand how the situation deeply affects our Indian and South Asian colleagues. 

In partnership with our Origins Business Resource Group — an organization dedicated to engaging and empowering our Asian and Pacific Islander associates and allies which sponsors several leadership development initiatives and programs — Capital One recently announced an Associate Matching Gift Program. Capital One will match associate donations to three global organizations focused on COVID-19 relief for India: 

Capital One’s effort to create resources in times of need for our associates and communities comes as part of our larger Capital One Impact Initiative, an initial $200 million, multi-year commitment to advancing socioeconomic mobility through advocating for an inclusive society, building thriving communities and creating financial tools that enrich lives.

For more information and additional resources, please visit our Business Resource Groups page.