No-deposit credit cards with instant approval and use

When applying for a new credit card, it can be tempting to search for options with no required security deposit, quick application approval and instant use. While these features could be available, it’s important to understand how they work—and what to consider—before applying.

Key takeaways

  • Credit cards that don’t require security deposits are known as unsecured credit cards.
  • Credit cards may offer approval and usage within minutes, thanks to online applications and virtual credit cards.
  • Credit card pre-approval is another tool to consider that typically offers quick insight into your eligibility and whether you have card options. 

See if you’re pre-approved

Check for pre-approval offers with no risk to your credit score.

Can you get approved for a credit card and use it instantly?

In some cases, you may be able to get approved for a credit card and use it that day. 

Not to be confused with instant approval credit cards, instant use credit cards are available to use upon approval. While you’re waiting for the physical card to arrive in the mail, you may receive a virtual credit card you can use for online purchases or you could add your card information to a digital wallet. That way, you can start using your card and potentially earn rewards immediately.

What credit cards can you use as soon as you get approved?

Access to and eligibility for instant use credit cards can depend on the credit card and your credit profile. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to do your research to determine if an issuer offers instant use cards before applying.

Can you get an instant use credit card with no deposit?

You may be able to get an instant use credit card with no security deposit, depending on factors like your credit history and which card you apply for. 

A credit card that doesn’t require a security deposit is also known as an unsecured credit card. Credit card issuers typically use a borrower’s creditworthiness to determine whether they qualify for the card. So it’s generally easier to get approved for an unsecured credit card with good credit scores. 

A secured credit card usually requires a refundable security deposit. When used responsibly, secured cards can be a great way to build or rebuild credit

Can you get an instant use credit card with no credit check?

You generally can’t get a credit card without a credit check. Credit card issuers that advertise no credit checks will typically conduct some kind of assessment before approving applications. But instead of checking your credit, the issuer may check your employment history or income. And credit cards that promise no credit check could come with hefty fees and interest charges.

If you’re concerned about not having credit history for lenders to check, don’t worry—there may be other credit card options available.

How to get instantly approved for a credit card with no deposit

There’s no way to guarantee that you’ll receive instant approval on a credit card. That said, some credit card issuers could determine whether you’re approved for a credit card within a day—or even within minutes. These are often known as instant approval credit cards. 

Whether you’re rebuilding credit or already have excellent credit, there are a few steps you can take to help improve your chances of being approved for an unsecured credit card: 

  • Know your credit scores and apply for a card in a corresponding range. One way to check your credit is by accessing your free VantageScore® credit score and TransUnion® credit report with CreditWise from Capital One
  • Regularly check your credit reports from the three major credit bureaus—Experian®, Equifax® and TransUnion—to dispute any fraud or errors and make sure you don’t have any late payments hurting your credit. You can access your credit reports from the three credit bureaus at
  • Consider seeing if you’re pre-approved for a credit card to determine if you meet at least some of the initial criteria before officially applying.
  • Make on-time payments every month on each line of credit you have.
  • Keep your credit utilization ratio—or the amount of credit you use compared with your total credit limit—under 30%. Paying off your statement balance each month can help you keep your utilization down—and avoid interest charges.

It can also be quicker to apply for a credit card online and to provide all the requested information during the application process to help avoid delays.

Keep in mind, the higher your credit scores, the more likely you are to qualify for lower interest rates on new credit card accounts. 

No-deposit, instant use credit cards in a nutshell

It’s possible to receive near-instant approval and use for an unsecured credit card. But remember: It’s a good idea to be cautious with any company claiming to offer guaranteed approval or no credit checks. 

If you have good credit and apply online, you may be able to get approved for a credit card quickly—and you might even qualify for an instant use credit card.

Ultimately, the best credit card for you will depend on your credit scores and specific needs. Wherever you are in your credit journey, you can see if you’re pre-approved for a Capital One credit card today—without harming your credit in the process.

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