7 unique ways to celebrate Mother’s Day

Try one of these 7 unique ways to celebrate the maternal figure in your life this Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day is all about celebrating the person you call Mom in your life, but it can be easy to get caught up in your day-to-day life and wind up relying on the same old greeting cards and flowers. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with showing Mom you’re thinking about them in this way, but we’ve compiled a unique list of other ways to celebrate this year that puts 100% of the focus on the person you’re celebrating.

As you’re planning how to celebrate them this Mother’s Day, consider taking a new approach and trying one of these interesting ways to make Mom feel truly loved.

Cook a favorite family recipe together

Everyone has a favorite dish from growing up. It can be something your mom cooked for you when you were sick or when you had a hard day. But when’s the last time your mom had someone cook a favorite dish from their childhood?

This Mother’s Day, spend time talking about some of Mom’s favorite dishes from childhood and working together to prepare one. It could be a family recipe that’s been tucked away on a bookshelf or just something that stands out in their memory. No matter what it is, preparing their favorite dish will help create new memories together while sharing a delicious meal.

Try out their hobbies

Moms spend so much of their time supporting us in our hobbies. From driving to soccer practice to staying up all night gluing sequins for the big performance, Mom is always there to help us succeed and explore new interests. But moms have hobbies of their own too!

This Mother’s Day, plan time with your mom to explore the hobbies they call their own. Whether that’s a day in the garden, thrift shopping, pickleball, knitting or skydiving, take the time to invest in what your mom loves to do.

Volunteer together

Choosing to give back is an incredible way to make sure everyone feels good about how they spent time on Mother’s Day. You’ll have to do some pre-planning to find volunteer opportunities near you, but this is a challenging and rewarding way to spend a day celebrating them.

Take it a step further by finding opportunities that connect with your mom’s interests or hobbies! For example, if they’re an avid gardener, you may be able to find volunteer work at a local food bank, CSA or community farm. No matter what you pick, you’ll be able to spend time creating a special bond with your family and community.

Write them a letter

In a world of texts, direct messages, emails and phone calls, the pastime of writing a letter has begun to slip away. But taking the time to pen something to your mom for Mother’s Day can give you the opportunity to slow down and really reflect on everything they have done for you.

This Mother’s Day, try creating an entire experience for your mom starting with a letter. Whether you deliver your letter by hand or courier, it’s something your mom will cherish for years to come. You may even start a new tradition of passing letters back and forth throughout the year.

Visit the past

Just about every family has a neglected shoebox of old photos somewhere. Similar to the last tip, this one is all about making the time to take some time. Spend this Mother’s Day learning more about your maternal figure’s story.

Take an afternoon to sort through old photos, paying special attention to the ones that matter most to your mom. Have them tell you their stories, and organize the photos into a collection that they can revisit again and again. You can even consider recording the stories on a voice-recording app to help create a digital keepsake for your family.

Create a choose-your-own-adventure day

With a bit of quick prep, you can create an incredible Mother’s Day experience for them. Start by laying out an option A, B and even C agenda for your day. Then write all the options on notecards. Let Mom know they need to clear their schedule, and then pick them up for a day on the town.

Break the day up into easy steps—breakfast or coffee, an activity, lunch, another activity, then dinner. Let your mom choose between A, B and C for each segment of the day. This way, they get to do exactly what they want all day long without having to plan the day themselves or sort through too many options.

Put the focus on Mom

At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that Mother’s Day is all about celebrating Mom! No matter who you call or think of as a mom, taking the day to recognize them and honor all of their hard work is the perfect way to ensure they’ll have a Mother’s Day they won’t soon forget. 

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