Credit Level Guidelines

Which of these 4 best describes you?

Rebuilding Credit

I’ve defaulted on a loan more than once.


I’ve been declined for a credit card in the last 3 months.

Fair Credit

I’ve defaulted on a loan in the past 5 years


I have limited credit history. I’ve had my own credit card or other credit for less than 3 years (including students, people new to the U.S., or authorized users on someone else’s credit card).

Good Credit

I have not declared bankruptcy or defaulted on a loan in the past 5 years. I have a credit card or loan and have not been more than 30 days late on any payment in the last year.

Excellent Credit

I’ve never declared bankruptcy or defaulted on a loan; I haven’t been more than 60 days late on any credit card, medical bill, or loan in the last year; I’ve had a loan or credit card for 3 years or more with a credit limit above $5,000.

These are only guidelines to help you narrow your selection, and additional factors from your application and credit history will also be considered. You may meet these criteria and still be declined. Please review the product disclosures on the card application for additional information about eligibility.